What is Life Mentoring?

Life Mentoring is many things, but the most important part of mentoring for a mentee is the understanding that you have the answers. Everything you want in your life is hardwired into your brain and a mentor's job is to help get those answers out of your brain and into action. The mentor helps the mentee to come up with the action plan, the mentee follows through with that action plan. The mentor and mentee then make appropriate adjustments to the plan to help the mentee find the best solutions possible.

A mentor is someone who helps you to reach the next step, whatever that step may be. The next step is your decision, whether it’s succeeding (professionally or personally), overcoming, deciding, acknowledging, or the myriad of other things involved with life. Sometimes in order to reach the next step, you need a perspective from outside yourself. Mentors help with this; they tell you what you are accountable (or not accountable) for, they keep you in line with your goals, they help you become focused, and they connect you with the true parts of yourself. 

A mentor should never be someone who tells you how to accomplish your goals, but rather it is a person who helps you find and decide the best things you are able to do. They give you perspective, and then let you take the control. A mentor cannot cure you, or heal you (though they help find tools for you to do those things).  All they can do is give you the options on the path of your life. One of my mentors often referred to two types of options: "There are options that close doors, and options that open doors: Which one will you choose?"

As a life mentor, I am dedicated to asking questions to help you become the best person you can, wherever you are in your life. I have a talent when it comes to working with people. I am able to help them step outside of their comfort zones and look at the hard stuff. I am a very blunt, but loving mentor. If you ask me "What do you think about this decision?" and I think it is not the best, I will tell you an honest answer. I am not here to sugar-coat or to sell you on the points we discuss; I am here to act as a guide. 

As a guide, if we were on a mountain pass, and you did something that could potentially harm you, I would tell you. In my opinion there is no difference between hiking a mountain and mentoring. You have to be honest, alert, and aware of everything around you. This is my job for you. Sometimes getting so focused on the one thing we desire deprives us of the reality of what is around us. I want to help you see the reality of every situation. 

I believe that truth is things as they are, things as they were, and things as they are to come. With this definition of truth, you can see how we would be limited in seeing the whole truth at any given moment. I want to help you find this truth. Truth can only be found as progression happens. Because we only see part of what was, and a little of what is, and nothing of what is to come, it is sometimes hard to see the truth. I believe, though, that it gets easier as you choose to trust in people. All we have in this moment is our perspective.  If we choose to involve good people in our path, that perspective can begin to come closer to truth. 

I have chosen to have a mentor, my mentor has a mentor, that mentor has a mentor. I made a decision that I would not let myself be advised by someone that was not constantly seeking their own self improvement, and I hope you will do the same. It takes many people to help us find perspective, but when we surround ourselves with trusted friends, advisors, mentors, and family members we start to see just a glimpse of the true perspective. It is sensible to think you could have over 1,000 mentors in your life before you die, and I recommend that you do. 

I hope that this introduction to Life Mentoring will be helpful as you make the decision as to whether or not to join me. 

About Me

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Cedar City, UT, United States